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This Light’s History Part 6 (and that’s it, for now…)

2019 was a year of several releases and re-releases and marked a turn in my music career, or at least how I approach it. Inspired by the words of a friend who told me not to give up music, in a time when I felt tired of getting nowhere, I created a Bandcamp page, then a SoundCloud profile, and, one thing leading to another, I ended up releasing my previous work on all platforms and also started a few other initiatives, this website/blog/playlist submission platform among them.

The year that finished yesterday marked the re-release of my legacy recordings (which were re-mixed/re-mastered) on platforms (before, I was betting only on Google Play).

Some of these songs came from my parallel project Inner Place and received new arrangements or recordings. One of my favourites is More Than You Know. Others came from my instrumental music project Purple Forest (which ended up becoming an album under This Light).

But the past year also saw the release of new songs, like On The Shinkansen, inspired by my trip to Japan.

It was a nice year. I changed my approach to music promotion, improved my production skills and got signed by three labels (from the U.K., Russia and Romania). I also self-released most of my legacy work and new tracks. It’s a lot of work. Composing and producing is a lot of work, but promoting maybe takes even more time than the hours I spend in the studio. But I don’t complain. Music is my passion and I feel really glad for having the opportunity to do this work.

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